Sports Mojo

6. Creating a Purpose-Filled Life with Trav Bell

Episode Summary

Today, I’m joined by Trav Bell, aka The Bucket List Guy! He is on a mission to help 10 million people lead purposefully fulfilled lives through his Certified Bucket List Coaching Program, keynote speaking, podcasting and writing. We discuss Trav’s transition from personal fitness trainer to now the world’s number one bucket list expert. He shares advice for how to get started with creating and checking things off your bucket list, and why it’s so much more than just traveling to exotic places. We also talk about the Bucket List Foundation and how he’s helping terminally ill seniors fulfill their bucket list wishes.

Episode Notes

Trav Bell, aka The Bucket List Guy, is on a mission to help 10 million people lead purposefully fulfilled lives. But, his career didn’t exactly start that way. Growing up in a seaside town in Victoria, Australia, Trav excelled in swimming and surfing and went on to study physical education in college. He fell in love with the coaching aspect of physical training and eventually became one of the first people to franchise personal fitness training studios in Australia. After 16 years, he realized that he was disconnected from the purpose behind his mission and left the business. 

Trav is candid about his struggles with mild depression and finding his purpose after closing down his business. He discovered positive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming, and life coaching, which eventually led him to launch his career as a motivational speaker. He knew he wanted to help people have more meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in both their work in their life. 

About eight years ago, he posed a question during a speaking event: What wakes you up in the morning? He had a lightbulb moment in that same session when someone in the audience referred to him as ‘the bucket list guy,’ and he developed his brand around that idea. 

Trav now runs the Certified Bucket List Coaching Program, is the author of The Bucket List Blueprint, host of The Bucket Life List Podcast, and has checked ‘TedX speaker’ off his own bucket list! He also oversees the Bucket List Foundation, which is a charity that gives bucket list wishes to terminally ill seniors. Listen to today’s episode to learn more about Trav’s regret-free lifestyle and why you shouldn’t wait to start checking things off your bucket list!  

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Episode Transcription

[00:00:00] Anne O'Neil: Well, Hey, Hey, GBLS welcome to get busy living a podcast that brings inspiring people together to discover what ignites them to be bigger than themselves. I'm your host and O'Neil. And today I'm joined by Travis bell, AKA the bucket list guy. Yes. That is truly how he is known all throughout the war. Even though Travis has been to Machu Picchu, given a very popular and successful Ted talk and camped at the base of Mount Everest.

His mission is to leave a legacy and help 10,000 people lead, purposely fulfilled lives. We had such a fun conversation. Discussing the positive psychology behind creating your own bucket list and how it is all about the person you become on the other side of that list.

All right, Travis. So great to have you here. I'm so excited. You know, you're on the get busy living podcast and we couldn't have asked for a better guest, the bucket list guy and the synergies between both of those concepts. So welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here.

[00:01:10] Trav Bell: And start to be on and thanks for having me

[00:01:13] Anne O'Neil: and tell everybody where you're from.

I mean, it's 6:00 PM where I'm at in Miami. And you said it was 10:00 AM.

[00:01:19] Trav Bell: That is 10:00 AM. And it is Friday. And I'm in a place called ocean Grove, which had been an hour and a half out of Melbourne in Australia. So I'm from the future.

[00:01:29] Anne O'Neil: Oh, I'd love that. I still have it. I've sat on my place, but it's on my bucket list for sure to visit.


[00:01:35] Trav Bell: I'm Sam Smith, everything in Miami. Well, what do you want to travel? You got to have the Miami

[00:01:41] Anne O'Neil: Miami doesn't have it all. That's why I moved from the cold Iowa down here to be in the sun and where you can do almost everything, but still I got to go hang out with kangaroos one of these days.

[00:01:56] Trav Bell: Oh my gosh. Wow.


[00:01:57] Anne O'Neil: so cool. Well, Hey, let's, let's get everybody introduced to you and tell them a little bit about how you became the bucket list guy first and business. And then that moment where. You became the bucket list guy. So let's hear about it.

[00:02:10] Trav Bell: So short story long I, a long story short is I grew up here in ocean Grove and I moved back down here after 20 years being up in Melbourne in the city, they've got my dose of city and back then I should go.

But I grew up here on the coast. I surf nearly every day I was competitive. So, you know, surf lodge side of and loft God and a swimmer. So I grew up, you know, basically water baby. What you call a joke, I guess, in America. And so that led me to do a physical education degree at university third year uni. I didn't have any idea what the hell I was going to do.

I had a mentor came in, he was doing this thing called personal fitness training back in the early nineties. And he told me all about it. And I followed him around. He said, no, subscribe to this magazine, go to this conference, wrote this book. And I just did everything. He said, I didn't know what I was going to do.

So working in the gym got the first personal training client and really started my personal training business. 30 uni when there wasn't this. Uh, personal triangle wasn't even an industry. It was just literally starting. So it was kind of one of the first personal trainers running around Melbourne Australia.

So I, you know, from one client ended up with tens of thousands of clients around Australia was the first to franchise personal for training studios in Australia. It did over 2 million personal training sessions as a result 300 staff. Yeah. So I did that. That was my whole identity for 20 years. So one thing led to another and I became someone I didn't like, and I became too much of a lawyer, too much of an accountant.

There was some preppy, you know, legal stuff that, that went down. I got kind of burnt from a few people. Very toxic people into my world, both in my life and also in, in, in the business side of things. And I just fell out of love for what I was doing. And that led me down a bit of a rabbit hole through mild depression.

When I hear about other people's stories and depression. Mine was mild, but it's all in the eyes of the holder. Right? So, yeah, I was in a pretty sad place for a couple of days, but instead of going on like heavy antidepressants, cause I'd try and show me clients over the years that were dealing with depression, mental health, you know, before it was a thing before it was fashionable.

And I, I knew a lot of people who were on the antidepressants and I'll just walk, you know, walking around with a zombie. So I really resisted. Going on antidepressants, ascribed them. And just didn't know when I've got to get to the bottom, I've done enough psychology stuff with clients and stuff over the years, I've got to get to the root cause.

And I had to force himself to get out of my own way and go to research, go and work my stuff out. You know, I went to events. I went to go and we did programs, all this other stuff. And then in due course, I'll learn all about positive psychology, all met in LP life coaching. I walked on fire. I did. I went to fricking, went to frigging burning man

burning man was, could have a backup and get the facts, did a good story, but really. You know, my staff out and are really wanting to understand psychology, but I really fell in love with psychology too, especially positive psychology, which is really the science, the psychology of happiness Stripe, or, uh, how to help people have a more fulfilled life and have more money.

And I too wanted that for myself. So I was about two years into this self exploration journey. And a friend of mine was sitting in one of these seminars. I invest a lot of money and know did a lot of internal work. You teach this shit. And I went, yeah, well, it helped me compartmentalize everything that I learned, all the money that I invested and all the stuff I'd been through.

And I'm like, well, that's why I'm here. When you go to some of these, you know, I D I have a pretty good upbringing, you know, I wasn't abused, I wasn't adopted, but the case that I had a really good upbringing and I'm like, well, I find a teach you stuff. Do I have to have a really full on, I lived under the bridge and I was homeless in our, you know, kind of story to be any good at this.

But I realize that I missed that personal interaction with people in the coaching of people and kind of no, In the personal training stuff, I kind of remove myself, became too much in the executive. I really loved helping people at the coalface, you know, coach to client. And so this, you know, I put on an event, a package, all the stuff that I've been taught, you know, learning and talking and learning for myself.

And here I was really, again, public speaking is about approaching one too many. And so it was put on a tool, had to really pay the 40 people to come to that talk. It was shocking compared to what I do now, but at the end of the day, it helped me really get down to the point of the story. The bucket is gone because about halfway through that seminar, I started sharing.

With everyone. And the fact that I had to list this about 10 years ago, 10, 10, 11 years ago now. And I started sharing with everyone that I had list to do before I died, literally written down since I was

[00:07:31] Anne O'Neil: 18. Oh, that's so cool. So

[00:07:34] Trav Bell: I had one all the time and I said to the room, Hey, who else has got one of these lists to do before you die?

Actually written down like out of your head and actually written down. And I was the only freaking. Yeah. And so I still ask this question. So why do you get up in the morning? I was just really curious. Why do you get up in the world? Why do you want to know money? Why do you want to leverage from your business?

Blah, blah, blah, and quite commonly get three answers right out up the house to put the kids through school, do a bit of trouble when I'm older and possibly. Right. That's it. That's what we sold.

[00:08:09] Anne O'Neil: Right.

[00:08:11] Trav Bell: So, and then, and it really inspired the group. And then Joe, one of the participants brought at the end Q and a Tom.

She said, oh, how's is this to do before you don't stuff. It's really inspired on suck a bucket list. You're like the bucket list guy moment. I went home that night and registered the bucket is and yeah, I was online on the Google machine and I'm like, who's like the Mac daddy. Who's that? The king who's the expert.

Oh, look, no one. So I literally told myself the world's number one bucket list expert. Look at that. Oh my

[00:08:43] Anne O'Neil: gosh. I love it for the audience. Amazing book that says the number one.

[00:08:50] Trav Bell: I'll just go on. You know, what, if no, one's going to climate. Well, if I'm going to do this, I want to do a properly. Jumping the water jumping the deep end and learn how to swim.

So really from that day on a big reverse engineering stuff, and 10 years later, I'm still doing it. And you know what, and I'm still more passionate. I'm more passionate about my topic than ever before. I'm still in love with it. I'm more in love with it now than I ever had, but I've had the absolute privilege over the last 10 years.

Of helping a lot of people around the world. It's so cool. You know, as a speaker coaching, one to many outspoken on six, five of six continents, this six or seven continents, I'm still looking for that gig in Antarctica. So any, uh, Antarctican locals out there who want to hire me happy to come. Yeah. And I've coached a lot of people we've, you know, done the Ted talk and done the book and all that sort of stuff.

But at the end of the diet, I just love helping people later more fulfilled life. And that's what this whole bucket list stuff is all about. And it's really about positive psychology of inches. It's about helping people have more meaning, more purpose and more fulfillment, but they work in their life by, and then doing more of that and incorporating more of that.

So they don't end up like me, you know, I like that. I'm coaching my former self here as most coaches do, they coach their former self through their own problems and what they've learned and they want to pay that forward. I'm continually paying in full of help. The, the lights go on, so to speak in, and these tools have really helped a lot of people, which I'm super stoked about now.

But yeah. 10 years ago, I went from that bricks and mortar businesses sold all them off and we got an order rebrand away to China say personal training sheet. And then I went online and around that time I read the four hour workweek with Tim Ferris, very familiar. And I'm like, and I, Tim is running everything from a hammock in Thailand.

That sounds pretty cool. So, uh, this whole online world was starting to, so that's, that's the transition and that, that. It could be me, my full, full expression of myself out there in the world and be wherever I am in the world, you know, and run everything from a hammock in Thailand. I can do that too. And I've been online for over 10 years.

[00:11:12] Anne O'Neil: Oh, my gosh. That is, I mean, it's such an incredible story. I can see myself watching you in each one of those phases, from the fitness industry to really doing some soul searching and getting yourself out of your own way. I really love that. And having to continue continue

[00:11:28] Trav Bell: is just still a work in progress.

[00:11:33] Anne O'Neil: And then what wakes you up in the morning? Like why do you get out of bed in the morning to really look at and see what's actually fulfilled in your life

[00:11:40] Trav Bell: at the time and money, you know, which is what they're sold. And the depressing thing about that is so many places. Uh, wedding till someday at the perfect time or retirement to live their bucket list.

And a lot of people think their bucket list is all about travel, but that's why I wrote the, my bucket list blueprint and what I did the book and the Ted talk and all that it is to help people, which is what we call before behind love is the 12 steps. Sounds a little bit like AI, feel free to share a little bit about.

Yeah. Like the, my backup is blueprint is an acronym. My bucket lists 12 letters and it helps a person go north, south, east, and west in your own brain. And it helps them to extract and articulate a personally meaningful and obviously lists. It means nothing, unless you'd write it down, mind you, because you got to get it out of your head and on the Piper, and then it becomes.

And so I created it because the T at the end, that stands for travel adventures. And, and a lot of people think that bucket, this is all about travel, but travel is really expensive, takes a lot of time. Right. And unfortunately, if you want to go to Machu Pichu, or you want to come to Australia, you know, that's like, I'll do that when I'm 50, I'll do that.

When I'm, when I've got the money. Got. Well, so we live, I guess, in the concept of bucket list. And this is what scares a lot of people about it is, is if it is all about travel, then it's why often the distance I can't, you know, I've got to sacrifice my happiness to enjoy lighter. We live in a delayed gratification society.

I'll be happy, wins. Right. Main loyal. We've got the statistics of depression gone through the worst anxiety, gone through the roof, the over-prescription of any depressants going through the roof, suicides youth suicides were vaping that you're seeing now. And I'm sure you're aware of it called the loneliness epidemic, which is the adverse effect of social media.

I D 9% of people in America have what they call disengaged at work. It's 89% of people who go to work every day are just not into what they're doing and they just getting the paycheck coming home. So that's a complete mental health perfect storm, right? Then you go throw COVID in, on top of that,

[00:13:55] Anne O'Neil: staying at home 24 7.

[00:13:57] Trav Bell: So this is my bit to hopefully change the narrative around that and to get people, give them the tools to. Really not just worrying about travel and that's the big goal that I want to do in my life. But a lot of the stuff on that you use the, my bucket, this blueprint, it helps you check off stuff on your bucket list.

Now, right now I'm into instant gratification as well as delayed gratification. And midterm great. If we can, you know, that's what it's about. And when you start crossing, you know, taking this sort of stuff off, it gives you momentum and motivation to smash through the big ones. And this isn't is the thing it's not about just your bucket list as such.

It's really about how you reverse engineer every aspect of your life in order to make this stuff come to fruition. Well, it's the growth of you on this journey towards these self-imposed destinations. Most importantly, and this is what I want your listeners and Watchers to get excited about your bucket list.

The real magic is about the person that exists on the other side of your bucket list. The person that we don't know yet, that's the bigger version of you. Let's go to your potential,

[00:15:08] Anne O'Neil: but I love it travel. I actually, I aligned so much on the reverse engineering. I've been doing that since I was an athlete, you know, playing division one basketball and setting that goal.

Like where am I at in four years and working backwards. And I just had to do that. Right. I personally lost my job during COVID because of the pandemic and had to set myself in 2022 and 2023. And where's Anne, and what's she creating? And what industry does she want to go to? And that's what we call reverse engineering for anyone listening is setting that point in the future and creating those steps to get to that place.

But like Travis just mentioned, which is so huge. And I want to get more into that positive psychology is. Once you set that you already are kind of becoming that. So talk a little bit about that, psychology. That it's not just the list, that's writing it down, but actually being that person that wakes up out of bed.

So how have you been able to coach people through that?

[00:16:00] Trav Bell: Well, you know what, it's an interesting thing. Like this motion creates emotion. You know, if you actually create a commitment out there in the world, you know, if you just publicly declared. One of the best ways you can lose weight and tone up is actually just to publicly announced.

But I can see that

[00:16:18] Anne O'Neil: accountability. Yeah.

[00:16:19] Trav Bell: Because of the social accountability and the fact that you don't want to let anyone down. And now you're going to have everyone getting behind you, giving you support, but you don't want to like people's, they don't want to be embarrassed. You know, public humiliation is huge for motivation.

So to a lesser extent, you know, by acting on something on your bucket list, what's something on your bucket list.

[00:16:43] Anne O'Neil: I was thinking about this ahead of time, because then I started writing my own bucket list out in more detail. I actually snap pictures and put them into like my mind movie that I look through every morning.

So similar to writing it down, but was like, obviously if I'm talking to travel, I got to write this down. So I'm one of my bucket lists is to have one of the nonprofits and charities that we talk about. Be highlighted on CNN. So they, you know, honor 10 charities, 10 people, um, each year. And so that would be a really goal of mine.

Real big buckets.

[00:17:13] Trav Bell: Cool. Cool. What would be the first immediate step to make that happen? You

[00:17:17] Anne O'Neil: know, I'm going to keep doing this podcast and do it a little bit more frequently and keep finding awesome people like yourself and the charities out there. So even starting this podcast was on my bucket list last year, and it's funny how you start living into it.

And it's almost like you said it about becoming that person, but it's almost like unfolding an onion. You know, there's so many different layers and you start seeing it grow and grow exponentially of who you are.

[00:17:42] Trav Bell: Here's the thing like everyone talks about, but one of the foundational things you hear in personal development is, but you do have, now you're going to be the question that you want to be in order to have the kind of result that you want to have a challenge that, and it's like, go out, create an action around what you want.

Right. So if you want to do a marathon, go into the marathon. Yes. Why you started college? You go catch up with you. Yes.

[00:18:06] Anne O'Neil: Sometimes it's just getting your rear end out the door. Seriously,

[00:18:10] Trav Bell: like go create and action and a real life action. But you could show me proof that you've actually done. Yeah, that might be a pay deposit on something publicly, declare something, you know, hook up a meeting with someone that can help you along the journey, whatever it is engaged in something that a friend, you know, into something, for instance, like do something that creates that forward momentum, that breaks.

Cause that's the only thing that breaks your inertia because here's the thing everyone's waiting for their psychology to be right before I smashed through the goals. No, it all creates action. You know, like it's all around your action. Your psychology will catch up on it. So it's, it's not B2 habits have, what do you want to have?

And if you want to have that thing bad enough, if you want to do that backup thought in bed enough, when the, what is strong enough, you know, the, how will work itself out. That's just the fact of the matter when the why the why is strong enough to hell with itself. So if you go through all your bucket list thing, you know, I really want it.

You get infinitely resourced. It's not a matter of resources. It's a matter of resourcefulness. If you want something

[00:19:13] Anne O'Neil: bad enough, right. It's almost like your creativity grows once you commit to something or say it out loud, if you're an

[00:19:19] Trav Bell: iPhone 10 and as soon as an inspirational motivation towards that thing, you will do whatever it takes in order to make that.

People don't trust it or not. Oh, I've got 10 years of people just getting out of their own way and committing, and then they go, oh my God, I just, my psychology or just caught up. So it's have B and then do it. Now, if you want any goal in your life, right. What is it then realize? Okay, well, what's the first action in order to make that happen.

And who do you have to be in order to make that. Well, if I want to grow a big business and it's, you know, he's the data I want to X number of turnover and profit and blah, blah, blah. I don't want to service those, sell to this many people. All right, cool. That's your goal? The end of 2020 to sway. Uh, what's the first thing you can do in order to, you know, get that moment and young.

Well, I registered a domain that cool. Who do you have to be in order to have that end result? Well, I was going to be stronger. I'm going to have more posture of the ask people to help have better trust in other people helping me. I'll get to get it out of mine. Why I'll it be more of a later in my life?

Yeah, I get rid of the nice science because my family will probably go you're nuts. Get into a secure job, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So that's who I've got to be. All right. Well, what have you got to do in order to make that happen? What are the big rocks that you've got to do on a, on a yearly, on a quarterly, on a monthly, weekly, daily, and then before you know it, you've got yourself a reverse engineer.

And a

[00:20:53] Anne O'Neil: new person at the end of that. That's so cool. And I feel like we just got an awesome coaching session for everyone listening out there. And it's a, it's a great segue into your certified bucket list coaching program. So tell us a little bit about that because we're going to have listeners out there who want, you know, who are going to want to be putting down their list right now with you and meeting you and finding out about the coach.

[00:21:15] Trav Bell: Well, that's the thing, you know, we've, we've got certified buckets coaches in 22 countries around the world now, and when I'm not doing this kind of stuff play see? Yeah. So about four years ago, I was invited to do a presentation down in South Africa, to a company called action coach. Now there'll be global business coaching franchise biggest in the world bet, 2000 coaches around the world, about 70 countries, keynote of their.

Club and conference and the founder of a founder of that and the CEO at the time said, Joe, have you ever thought about NAFTA doing my presentation? Really good idea. A lot of our business coaches could, you know, definitely usual stuff. Have you ever thought about, you know, loss syncing out what you do?

I'm like, no, not is makes me on the world's number one. No one else can, you know, blah, blah, blah. And is it all well yet? Want to help more people? Gotcha. Yeah. Well, how many people would you reckon you could help by just you, just, you like running around the world for the rest of your life on stages and stuff.

I mean, Fairfield, you want to help. Well, let's talk about it. So on sorry, short flew to America where he lives. And, um, we went into business together and created a certified Buckley's coach. And now, you know, people who want to pay this stuff forward and do programs for their local community and companies, you know, where they are in the world, they become a licensee and we coach them on how to run programs.

Right. You

[00:22:48] Anne O'Neil: use all this amazing methodology that you came up with and, you know, on your website, the bucket list, for anybody out there that's searching while they're listening to the podcast, their mission is to help 10 million people lead purposefully fulfilled lives. I mean, what a cool mission.

Maybe you'll be on the

[00:23:06] Trav Bell: stage here. I do

[00:23:09] Anne O'Neil: like that. Well, I have a question, some of our audience, you know, it'd be like, I'm too old. I'm too stuck in my ways, you know, or this isn't, this might be for you, but not for me. Talk a little bit about, you know, it's not too late to change and a bit of what anyone can benefit from having a bucket list.

[00:23:28] Trav Bell: Yeah. Coming to me with those excuses. Okay, cool. Then don't do it.

[00:23:34] Anne O'Neil: Right. What do you have to lose if you don't

[00:23:36] Trav Bell: do it? Yeah. I mean, one of the quotes on party on launched is people are dying at 40 and being,

[00:23:42] Anne O'Neil: that's a tough pill to swallow when you really think

[00:23:44] Trav Bell: about it. Yeah. But then when you get down and you start to realize.

She don't know a lot of other people that are just existing and not living. I know a lot of other people that just are living now living by default, not one intentional design. If you're happy, if you're fulfilled no more deal, you know, we're good. Yeah. But if it is that, you know, what, if I don't do this, if I don't really go for it, get out of my own way.

You know, allow more fun adventure and stuff. Mine live all. Live a regret free life. Live a great full launch. Now, do you want to leave her a grateful love or regret? So at the end of the day, I get busy living, get busy dying. Which one do you want? So, you know, it's a really, it's a simple choice, red

[00:24:32] Anne O'Neil: that's right.

What a great reference right there. Yes.

[00:24:35] Trav Bell: But at the end of the day, it's true. And you know, that's one of my favorite movies, Shawshank redemption, so right. Is that there is so many people. Did it just shapeable and they just go through their life. I think COVID is shook a lot of people up. It's helping them recalibrate on their work and we've seen the great resignation happened as a result because people realized shit.

I'm not sure. I want to change my job when it shouldn't get out of this relationship. I can't stand being at home to be with this person one more minute, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But you know, it's, it's helped people adapt, innovate, collaborate, like never before, and certainly, you know, recalibrate on their own fulfillment.

Am I happy? You know, and a lot of people realize that they're not, they're going to do something about it. And some here to add, you know, add some tools. It's to help people, you know, lead more fulfilled.

[00:25:29] Anne O'Neil: You know, I have a post-it note on my, on my bathroom mirror that says you go with you. So it always is like, don't forget, you have ownership over your life and your choices and what you want to create.

So it just kind of is always a reminder to be like, oh, I'm the one who's in charge here of all the things happening. So let's see how we can make it work. So I want to ask you real quick. What's the most fulfilling bucket list experience you've had if you've been doing this since you're 18. If you have a couple, that's great too, but Hey, the most fulfilling or a milestone one would be so nice to hear.

[00:26:04] Trav Bell: So what is the back of this guy do? When is no trouble? You know, not let her travel around the world. Things to COVID. Oh my God. Are you at God? You haven't read the book. Obviously there's 12, there's 11 other categories. One of the categories, the you in the mind bucket, this blueprint is ultimate challenges.

So. So I've done an iron man. I've been to Mount Everest base camp and done all sorts of hikes and, you know, challenges kind of like that. But one of the challenges that I'm doing right now, funnily enough, and you might or might not be able to see this. Obviously if this is just a podcast, but if you're watching this on video, I'm reading 52 books in 52 weeks.

[00:26:46] Anne O'Neil: That's so impressive. And there's books and books behind Travis he's


[00:26:49] Trav Bell: So this is literally if you're watching the video. Through to here is what I've done so far. Oh my every morning my partners, she's an artist. So every morning at four 30, wake up, I read out loud a couple of chapters I do with a real book.

Like I don't do audio motor attention yet. That early in the morning is a hell of a little bit of an, if I listen to stuff, it's a real book with my pain, Mike notes, they're all full of notes by the way, and read a couple of chapters and then she'd loans. Cause I'm reading out loud and she does art. Yeah.

And it's. Daily habit that we've got that the window and Fridays. And so we start our day every day and have, yeah. Yeah.

[00:27:35] Anne O'Neil: Amazing partnership to you learn. And she's learning at the same time as she's listening to you. That's wow. I love that. I love all your

[00:27:43] Trav Bell: clothes in the back. So that's the challenge.

That's the ultimate challenge, the modern, and I'm learning, uh, when I'd put the book up, but a year ago bought myself some DJ decks. So I'm, I'm learning all that at the moment. So I can't play a musical instrument, save myself. So this is my next best thing. So I'm learning all that and loving it and, you know, so that's, I bought himself a four channel mix.

Uh, DJ date and speak. Isn't the whole setup. So on. Do you know, I'll play with that and I'll just express yourself to a certain extent and like listens to a certain extent. And literally last week or the week before, I've just signed up to something that has been on my bucket list for over probably nine years.

It was one of the first thing I put on there was which ones stand up. Oh,

[00:28:36] Anne O'Neil: my wow. So fun.

[00:28:40] Trav Bell: No, no, no. It's not because I'm shooting myself on the professional public speaking. I've got all these awards and shit rooms have been heckled, all that, but this is just, yeah,

[00:28:57] Anne O'Neil: it's been great.

[00:28:59] Trav Bell: I think with respect to, I think you're laughing at me now.

So that's a whole

[00:29:05] Anne O'Neil: different, if you hear lapse, you'll be good to go. You'll be like this works. Is there a date in the calendar for you for the standup? Is there a date?

[00:29:19] Trav Bell: Man,

[00:29:20] Anne O'Neil: sorry.

[00:29:23] Trav Bell: I, what my friend is, he's involved in the speaking world and he's got this comedy course, funnily enough, called the school of hard knock knocks. Oh, okay. That's fun. So literally you sign up on the sign, up to do a course and it starts on the Sunday and you do a bit every, every day and then literally for four days and literally on the Thursday of that.

You're going live in it.

[00:29:50] Anne O'Neil: Oh, my gosh, that's a quick turnaround. Oh my gosh. I feel like we can talk for so long and keep going. I'm about ready to wrap. I wanted to bring up the bucket-list foundation, which is a charity that gives bucket list wishes to terminally ill seniors. Can you just talk a brief minute about that?

[00:30:16] Trav Bell: So I'm sort of helping her go more global with it. Cause we've got all these, you know, and basically give more back at the swishes to people in that genre. And so, yeah. You know what I mean? These people that we give wishes to, uh, yeah, we might get a bucket list happened of literally, you know, good. It'd be terminally ill or that's part of the deal, unfortunately, but at the end of the day, yeah.

She's been running that for a while now and a big supporter of it. So, you know, helping her in the.

[00:30:47] Anne O'Neil: Oh, well, I'd love to hear that. And it's like, again, the bucket lists can go until the very end, you know, so there's never too late to create a bucket list or create some memories here. Not stopping.

[00:30:59] Trav Bell: We don't start.

We put more stuff on it. Keep more stuff on it. Now the fact is when you, when you get this thing down, It's like a flywheel and it gets more and more momentum before now. It just become more of a yes man or yes, woman. It's like, yup. Yup. Yup. It feels good. And it gives you, you know, a massive ripple effect into you.

Your business or career is a bucket list. I've always said a bucket. This is a changeable life plan where your career planning, your business planning should fit into your life plan and not be the other way around. So it really brings on network to live.

[00:31:31] Anne O'Neil: What a great couple of phrases there to end on because it's just such a, it's just the lifestyle and we become, yes, let's keep doing everything and making memories.

[00:31:41] Trav Bell: So when you become a bucket list, there you go.

[00:31:47] Anne O'Neil: 20, 22. I need to add a few more things for sure. Especially if you're taking the challenge of doing standup, I might need to take that challenge on. So, but I want to make sure everybody knows the bucket list, There is so much information on here. So many great videos, testimonials, you can find the book, which is my bucket list, blueprint, the 12 steps to hashtag ticket before you pick it.

If you guys remember that. So we're so excited that Travis you're on here and we had so many similarities with get busy living and what it means to be a bucket Lister. So you can consider me I'm in. And I know so many of our listeners will be in with you. So thank you so much for being here.

[00:32:27] Trav Bell: My absolute pleasure.

[00:32:34] Anne O'Neil: Well, thank you so much for listening to our conversation. If you have a GBL story in your life, share it with me on Instagram at get busy living underscore pod. I might just share your story on a future episode. Thank you for sharing in the good vibes and giving back. And GBL in with us.